paddle green bags

 While working at the American Canoe Association (ACA) I created a program called, Paddle Green. This included Paddle Green Events and Paddle Green Bags. The bags were created so paddlers could mitigate marine debris in their local waterways while recreating and collecting that data. Bags were given to members and sold at events across the USA to the paddling public. These reusable bags were also used at sponsored ACA clean-up events. Each bag came attached with a placard to help paddlers document what marine debris they were removing, from where, and how much they were removing. Paddlers could then upload this data from there phone using a quick reference code. To make this data impactful it was shared with NOAA’s Marine Debris Program on a annually basis.

Track Trash

Track trash helped give our members and the paddling public the tools to clean and protect waterways. The data gathered helped the ACA influence for-profit organizations and members of the government to keep funding open for clean-up programs like the ACA’s Stream to Sea Initiative.


Track Trash Data Collection


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